Friday, November 4, 2011

Steve & Crystal Update

Steve's been working for Metro Mobility in Minneapolis, driving bus for handicapped and elderly. He enjoys driving and working with people, although the hours are long. He's been putting in over 60 hours/week since we've moved into our new place in Crystal.
Recently our car when ka-poot, so Steve's road his bicycle to work on days I've needed the car.
He's enjoyed teaching part of the series in our adult Sunday School class. He also enjoys his time with the kids, trying to keep up with friends and continuing reading and studying.

Besides enjoying and teaching the kids, feeding them, keeping the house in order, etc., I keep pretty busy with Norwex parties, doing some accounting work from home, attempting to find time to sew, teach the 3-year old Sunday School Class, and am helping to organize Women's Small Groups in our church. I'm enjoying deepening my friendships with the women of our church.

Life is full and busy right now. (When is it not?)

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